These cards are available upon request and are completely free of charge. Once requested, the card will be provided electronically within three business days. The Hope Card can then be used electronically or printed, cut out, and folded.
Hope Cards contain important information including:
Please Note: Hope Cards are only available if a final order of protection is issued. Temporary orders of protection do not currently qualify to receive a Hope Card.
Hope Cards
Beginning in October 2024, the Florida Legislature has authorized the Clerk's Office to issue Hope Cards which are available to all persons issued a final order of protection in Duval County. This includes those who receive a final order for protection under FS 741.30 (domestic violence), F.S. 784.046 (repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence), F.S. 784.0485 (stalking), or F.S. 825.1035 (exploitation of a vulnerable adult).These cards are available upon request and are completely free of charge. Once requested, the card will be provided electronically within three business days. The Hope Card can then be used electronically or printed, cut out, and folded.
Hope Cards contain important information including:
- The respondent's name and date of birth
- The name and date of birth of the petitioner or protected person
- Information regarding the issuing court, the case number, the date the order of protection was issued, and the expiration date, if any, of the order of protection
- The telephone number for the statewide domestic violence hotline
- The date of issuance the expiration date of the Hope Card
Please Note: Hope Cards are only available if a final order of protection is issued. Temporary orders of protection do not currently qualify to receive a Hope Card.
Request a Hope Card
The preferred method to request a Hope Card is by submitting the request form located on this page. The Domestic Violence Department will process the request and issue your Hope Card electronically within three business days. Requests may also be submitted over the counter or by mail to the Domestic Violence Department (501 W. Adams St, Room 2409, Jacksonville, FL 32202) or by phone at (904) 255-2210.Hope Card Request Form
Office Information
Domestic Violence Department
Office Hours
Monday through Friday (excluding holidays): 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, however we cease intake of new petitions at 4:00 PM
Mailing Address
Duval County Clerk of Courts
501 West Adams Street, Room 2409
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 255-2210