Electronic Court Access
eFiling, Electronic File Access, and a Paperless Court
Upcoming eFiling Class
The Clerk's Office periodically offers classes to assist those looking to learn more about the eFiling process via webinar. The information for the next class can be found below:
February 12, 2024 11 AM-12 PM
eFiling Class Webinar
ePortal Case Information Changes
On June 9th, 2021, the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal modified access security to case records. The access protocol is based on the Access Security Matrix as defined in AOSC22-65. Please note that access to court records using the Clerk's court records system CORE.
**We strongly encourage all users accessing Duval court records to use our CORE system if experiencing issues accessing case information via the statewide ePortal. The ePortal may have more limits on your ability to view case information and documents than CORE. The Duval Clerk has no ability to modify access on the ePortal, other than to add an attorney to a case. Please review the table below to determine if you are correctly associated with the case that you are attempting to view. **
FAQ on Case Access Changes from Florida Clerks & Comptrollers Association
If you receive a message on the ePortal that states “You are not authorized to access Information for Case #16-9999-XX-999999-XXXX-MA.” when clicking on a case number on the MY CASES screen, please review the information below regarding the new ePortal access policy:
Type of Filer |
Access Allowed |
Attorneys of Record Listed on Case (incl. Mediator/Arbitrator) | All records for cases that you are listed on as Attorney of Record except those that are expunged or sealed; Access will be changed to General Public Level Access when the attorney’s appearance is terminated in accordance with rule 2.505. (Note: this rule includes the provision that an attorney is removed from case access after the appeal window has closed.) |
Attorneys NOT listed on Case (incl. Mediator/Arbitrator) |
General Public Level Access. All records except those that are expunged or sealed, automatically confidential under rule 2.420(d)(1), or made confidential by court order. Docket images subject to redaction requirements before release. |
Self-Represented Litigant (Pro se) |
General Public Level Access. All records except those that are expunged or sealed, automatically confidential under rule 2.420(d)(1), or made confidential by court order. Docket images subject to redaction requirements before release. |
Attorney Issues
Attorneys logging in to the ePortal and not able to access case information should confirm the following information:
- Confirm your ePortal login is an attorney role. The “Role” can be found by logging in to the ePortal and going to MY PROFILE>USER DETAILS. You should see the word “Attorney” in the description of your role. Note that the attorney account that that is used to create filings MUST be the same as the attorney signing the documents and assigned to the case. Your Florida Bar number is what links the ePortal account to individual cases.
- Confirm you are listed on the case. To verify that you are correctly listed as an attorney on the case you are trying to access, visit CORE and review the case information. You should see your name listed at the top in the “Attorney” section. If you are not listed appropriately, please contact the Clerk's Office and speak with a deputy clerk in the case type you are filing in and ask that the appropriate attorney information be added to the case. All departments can be reached at (904) 255-2000.
If the steps above confirm that the attorney logged in to the ePortal is listed as an attorney on the case and access is still restricted, please contact the statewide ePortal Help Desk at support@myflcourtaccess.com or call (850) 577-4609 for further assistance.
Self-Represented Filer Issues
Self-Represented filers will only have General Public level access to case information via the ePortal. If you need additional case information access, please create a registered user account on CORE and submit a Registration Agreement, listing the case number you are a party to to be provided access to all docket lines and images via CORE.
Self-represented filers should contact the Clerk's CORE Help Desk at (904) 255-2389 for issues relating to CORE access.
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started in Electronic Filing
The following internet browsers are approved for use:
- Firefox
- Safari on Mac Computers
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
**Effective October 28, 2018 - Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, 9 and 10 will no longer be supported by the Portal**
We always recommend filers use the most current version of their web browser that is available (not Preview, Early or Beta releases).
For attorneys, all document filings and case initiations must originate from a valid Portal account linked to the filers Florida Bar Number. Administrative-type accounts without a Florida Bar Number, such as Law Firm Administrator, may only manage the associated organization and its users.
For attorneys outside of Florida who need to file pro hac vice, you will need to obtain a number from the Florida Bar before registering with the ePortal. For more information, see the Florida Bar website information here.
Yes! A great place to start when beginning electronic filing is with the official User Manual. The latest manual is available here.
Duval County currently accepts selected case types in all divisions:
- Appeals
- Criminal
- Circuit Criminal
- County Criminal
- Criminal Traffic
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Civil
- Circuit Civil
- Civil Traffic
- County Civil
- Domestic Relations/Family Court
- Juvenile Dependency
- Probate
Accepted case types for each division are constantly being updated and can be viewed in the “Case Type” drop-down field once you have selected a filing division.
The Duval County Clerk of the Court does not want you to forward any document to the Duval County Courthouse that has been successfully eFiled. This could result in duplicate cases being created and duplicate filing fees.
Exceptions that WILL need to have an original document forwarded include:
- Last Will and Testament (Original Death Notices do NOT need to be forwarded if they have been eFiled).
- Pre-need Guardian Declarations
- Original notes and mortgages
- Documents ordered by the Court; and
- Original documents required by law or rule of procedure to be filed with the Clerk
If an original note and mortgage is submitted through e-file, we can approve it and docket it as a copy. The originals will still need to be filed with the Clerk’s office.

Next click the REGISTER button:

Fill in the information on the application screens and then click REGISTER to complete the process. Note that there is no cost to register for an ePortal account but you must have a valid email address.
You may want to begin with filing documents to existing cases to get the familiar with the system.
The following case types can be initiated electronically:
- Circuit Civil – various (see ePortal for case types)
- County Civil – Small Claims, County Civil
- Domestic Relations/Family Court – various (see ePortal for case types)
- Juvenile Dependency - Petitions
- Probate – including Guardianship and Mental Health cases
You can eFile documents to any existing open case that meets the current eFile criteria and if it was originally filed in Duval County. The original case does not need to have been filed electronically.
Electronic Document Submission
The ePortal will only accept documents in the format of PDF and Microsot Word 97 version and later. However, the ePortal is transitioning to only accept documents filed in the PDF/A format. This format is a form of a PDF document that allows for storage of fonts and other information so that it can be archived and accessible for longer a longer period of time than regular PDF and Word documents. Although encouraged, it is currently NOT required for filers to submit documents in PDF/A format.
To create a PDF/A document from a Microsoft Word file, perform the following steps:
- Open your document in Word 2010 or Word 2013 (for Windows)
- Click File > Save As and choose PDF (*.pdf) from the list of file types.
- By default the File name is the same as that of the original Word document, but with the .pdf extension. You may enter a different file name if you wish.
- Click the Options... button.
- In the Options dialog, under PDF options, select ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A).
- Click OK on the Options dialog; then click Save to create the PDF/A-compliant file. Note: You should only have to make this selection once as future PDF exports should now use this setting.
To create a PDF/A document from a scanned document using Adobe Acrobat PRO:
- Open your document Adobe Acrobat Pro (not Adobe Reader)
- Click File > Save As Other and choose Archivable PDF (PDF/A) from the list of file types.
- In the filename pop-up box, Click Settings.
- In the Preflight pop-up box, Select Save as PDF/A-2b; Check the box next to the option on how to create the PDF/A-2b; Check the box next to Apply Conditions and enter 300dpi in the resolution box. Click OK.
Other methods of creating compliant PDF/A documents:
Check your scanner/copier for settings that may allow for direct scanning of documents to the PDF/A format. This will allow the documents to be scanned initially with the correct settings and will not require any further processing before being submitted through the ePortal.
For more information on the transition to PDF/A format, please see the portal information here.
We suggest using a naming convention for your local documents that streamlines the upload process when eFiling. It is helpful to include the parties or case number (for existing cases), the number of pages in the document and the standard name for the type of document. For example:
162012CC000298XXXMA Cover Sheet pages 3.pdf
Harris vs Smith Petition pages 10.pdf
This will facilitate making sure you are attaching the correct documents to the eFiling and have the information handy as to the type of document to select in the system and the number of pages that the document contains. Any filename is acceptable as long as the special characters described above are avoided.
These are the document requirements for the E-Filing portal.
- Documents should be a standard size of 8 ½ x 11 inches as defined in RJA 2.520
- On all documents filed with the court, a 1-inch margin on all sides must be left blank for date and time stamps.
- Documents should leave blank a 3 x 3 inch space at the top right-hand corner on the first page, and a 1 x 3 inch space at the top right-hand corner on each subsequent page, to accommodate statewide standard date/time stamps as defined in RJA 2.520
- Where possible, documents should be electronically signed as defined in AO 09-30, Standards for Electronic Access to the Courts
- Documents should be scanned or saved as “Black and white” or “Greyscale” (never submit a document saved or scanned in “color”).
- Scanned documents should be at a resolution of 300 DPI as defined in the State of Florida Electronic Records and Records Management Practices
- Multiple pleadings, motions, etc. should not be combined into one single file; each individual document should be uploaded via the ePortal document submission process. However, you can submit multiple documents in one eFile submission.
- A deviation from these guidelines may result in the submitted filing being moved to a Pending Queue with the filer being notified via email and requested to correct the issue(s) with the document(s) and resubmit the filing.
Yes, you must put the entire case number on each of your documents in order for your pleading to be accepted. For example: 16-2012-CA-001234-XXXX-MA. If you do not include the “16” or the “XXXX-MA” we will not be able to link the document to the case.
The electronic filing portal has implemented a virus and malware scan of all submitted documents. If a document in your submission is detected to contain a potential virus or malware threat, the document will be quarantined and will not be transmitted to the intended Clerk’s Office. No time/date stamp will placed on that document. The submission will be sent to the Correction Queue so that the infected document can be replaced. An email notification to that effect will be immediately sent to the filer. For more information, please watch the online video .
We do not want an attorney cover letter submitted with any filings. The first page of the file MUST be the first page of the lead document (i.e. the Petition/Pleading/Paper) that you are filing. The electronic date stamp is placed on the first page of the pleading submitted through eFile, so if a cover letter is submitted as the first page then the date stamp will not be on the actual pleading document. However, we do want the cover sheets required in each specific division and these will be uploaded as a separate document with the type “cover sheet” when indicated as required in specific types of filings.
All filers must comply with the privacy/confidentiality provisions of Rules 2.420 and 2.425, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration. These requirements apply to all documents, including attachments.
To eFile a Notice of Confidential Information, you upload the Notice with the other documents you are submitting to the case at the “Add Documents” screen. There is a link on that page to download the Notice if you do not already have a copy to fill out.
Yes, one eFile submission may contain multiple document types. You may load multiple documents to each eFile submission, however, use one document file per pleading. For example, if filing a Complaint, a Lis Pendens, and a Civil Cover Sheet you would attach 3 separate files. Attachments must be included as one document and not uploaded separately.
Each document, upon acceptance, will be time stamped and added to the case docket.
If you cannot find the exact document type you are looking for, select a more generic document type, if available. For example, if you are looking to submit a document of type “Answer of Garnishee” but you do not find it in the list of available document types – submit the more general “Answer”. Each electronic filing is reviewed by a clerk and if the document you submit is more specific, they will still be able to docket the item to the correct type.
If you are a filer registered with a role of Creditor, Media, Process Sever, Mental Health Professional or Court Reporter, you will have a specific list of documents that can be filed on the ePortal.
If you feel the document type you want to submit should be included in the list, please email us using the feedback form at the bottom of this page and provide us with the information you are requesting so that we may review your request for future system updates.
You may either scan the originally signed document or place a ‘/s/’ in the signature portion of the document prior to eFiling it.
The E-Filing Portal operates in accordance with the Supreme Courts’ Administrative Order (AO09‐30) for the use of “/s” [name] in lieu of electronic signatures. A pleading or other document is not required to bear the electronic image of the handwritten signature or an encrypted signature of the attorney, but may be signed in the following manner when electronically filed through an attorney’s login and password:
/s/ Jane Smith
Jane Smith, Esq.
FL Bar Number: 999999
220 East Bay Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Telephone: 999-999-9999
Alternatively, you may scan the document containing the original signatures. Please be aware that when scanning as an image, your document may not comply with Rules of Judicial Administration 2.525 and 2.526. For more information on accessibility rules, please visit the Florida Supreme Court homepage.
The regular filing fees established by Florida law are required to be paid to file cases with Florida’s courts. In addition to the filing fees, there is a convenience fee added to eFiled cases.
There is a 3.5% statutory convenience fee for payments made via credit card.
The statutory convenience fee for payments made via electronic check (direct debit from a bank account) is $5.00.
Also, please note that debit block services protect your bank accounts from unauthorized electronic charges. Check with your bank before setting up a debit payment. If you have a debit block on your bank account, you must provide this information to your bank so it can process your payment: "6593660274 EPORTAL FILING". If you don’t provide this information, your bank could reject the payment causing return fees.
Payment policies are set at the State-level for all ePortal users and are not under control of the Duval County Clerk of Court.
Printing receipts is on the enhancement list, but at this time you can print the payment screen prior to submitting your filing.
There are no plans for escrow accounts at this time.
The reference number on the email from FACC (the ePortal) should correspond to the transaction number on your bank/credit card statement.
You will receive two email notifications. The first will arrive shortly after you submit the eFiling and will indicate successful transmission of your document to the ePortal. The second should arrive no later than 24 hours after submission of your document and will indicate whether the Clerk has accepted or rejected your document. If you do not receive the second email within 24 hours, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to include your reference number in the message body.
There is a current system error that can occasionally cause the case number and/or case type description in the email sent to the filer to be listed erroneously. The email will correctly give the status update on the case and can still be used as notification that an action has occurred on your filing. You can then verify that your filing information is correct by viewing your eFilings on the “My eFilings” screen on the ePortal and on the Showcase system once the case has been FILED.
The status of your eFiling can be viewed on the “My Filings” screen on the ePortal. One of the following status types will assigned to your filing as it progresses through the system:
- Received – The case was successfully received by the ePortal system
- Validating Filing – The case is being validated for acceptance into the Duval County Clerk of the Courts system
- Pending Filing – The case is awaiting a clerk to review the case and docket it into the system.
- Filed – The case has been approved and filed. It is now viewable via the Showcase system.
- Correction Queue – The clerk has reviewed the case and identified a problem with the submission. There will be a comment added to the case that will explain what needs to be fixed in order for the submission to be accepted.
- Abandoned Filing Queue– The case was held in the Pending Queue for 5 days with no correction. The eFiling will now need to be resubmitted by eFile or hard copy.

eFilings may be sent to the Correction Queue for a variety of reasons. Most of the problems can be corrected through the ePortal system and usually involves correcting a document and resubmitting it into the system.
No, when the pleading is moved to Abandoned Filing Queue after the five days, the fee will not be charged.
You must correct a filing that has been set to Correction Queue status within 5 days or the status will change to Abandoned Filing Queue and no further action can be taken on the filing and it will not be filed.
Errors in a filing normally have to do with a problem on the document that you submitted with the filing. To correct a document in a filing you need to REMOVE/ADD or REPLACE with the revised document.
- Add a new document to the filing
If you add a new document to the filing the new document will receive a new time stamp.
- Remove a document on the filing
If you delete a document and re-add it, the new document will receive a new time stamp
- Replace a document on the filing
If you replace a document, the document will keep the same time stamp as the original. This is the only way to keep the original timestamp on the document.
Note that any edits made on an eFiling that is set to Correction Queue status will NOT change the original SUBMISSION DATE of the entire filing but may change the time stamp on an individual document (see specific instances above).
Make sure that after you have made the correction to the filing that you navigate to each screen using the NEXT button and then re-submit your filing back to the clerk using the CONFIRM AND SUBMIT ALL NOW button.
You can only change a filing that has been set to the Correction Queue status. If your document has not yet been set to FILED status, you can contact the division you are filing in and request that they send the filing to the Correction Queue. This will allow you to update or replace a pleading document or add/change parties before on the filing before it is FILED. For all Circuit Civil filings, please email circuitcivil@duvalclerk.com to request your filing be sent to the correction queue.
If you file a case in Duval County by mistake, you will need to contact the division in which you filed the case to find out options for re-filing. If you submitted the case via the ePortal and it has not yet been set to FILED status, you can request that the case be set to Correction Queue status. The case can then be filed in the correct county without incurring any charges in Duval County. We do not have a way to “transfer” a case to another county.
Service Using ePortal
A tab on the ePortal system, "Service List", will list attorneys and other parties who have filed at least one document on this case electronically. These individuals are available for selection to be served for the current filing. The ability to add other attorneys and interested parties for e-service is also available.
When eFiling a new case, only the individual creating the case will be listed on the e-Service screen.
On the "My Account" menu, select "Manage my E-service". On this screen you can select specific cases and choose to be removed from the E-Service list. Since this is the required method of service, you would only want to be removed if you were no longer associated with the case.
Specific Case and Document Types
You can file a summons document to NEW and EXISTING cases. On the DOCUMENTS screen on the ePortal, select the DOCUMENT GROUP as “Dockets with a Fee” and the DOCUMENT TYPE as “Summons” and upload your summons document. You must load one summons per document in order for it to be issued correctly.
- Once your eFiling has been accepted, the clerk will docket the summons as “TO BE ISSUED”.
- When the eFiling is FILED and receives a case number (for new cases), the clerk will docket the summons as “SUMMONS ISSUED”.
- You may then print your ISSUED SUMMONS document from the CORE website and then have it served through your normal process (i.e. email, regular mail or hand delivery).
When filing a Civil case on the ePortal, you will need to enter the total number of defendants in the box titled "Total number of Defendants" on the main Case Information tab. You must ensure that you enter the same number of parties on the Party tab or the fees will not be calculated correctly and your filing will be sent to the Pending Queue. You should enter all named parties, unknown spouses, and unknown tenants. The only party that should not be listed on the Party Tab or counted in the "Total number of Defendants" box is “Any all and unknown parties”.
A Default is docketed by our Circuit Civil Department after you successfully file a Motion for Default.
The verification form is typically the signature page in the initial complaint. The verification form not required for commercial foreclosures.
A new Standing Family Law Order form will be required for all petitions filed in Dissolution of Marriage, Separate Maintenance and Annulment cases on or after April 1, 2016, The latest form can be found here.
The “Judgment” and “Notice of Sale” are presented to the judge at the foreclosure hearing in paper format. Once approved, they are forwarded by the clerk to the foreclosure department for processing and publication.
File a new Circuit Civil case and select the case type "Specialized Other" and sub type "Med Malpractice 90 Day Extension" and submit your petition. Once approved, you will be given a new case number. When you are ready to file your case, file to an Existing Case on the ePortal and provide the case number you received after you filed the extension. You will then have the option to file your complaint and pay the $401 case initiation fee. The clerk will verify that you have filed within the 90-day window when approving this filing.
How do I file Garnishments?
Once a Final Judgment has been docketed, an attorney may eFile a “Motion for Writ of Garnishment” or “Motion for Continuing Writ of Garnishment” and the Writ and/or Orders documents. The Orders will be sent to the judge by the clerk for signature. If the attorney wishes to have a signed copy of the Orders returned, they must provide return envelopes to the judge. Alternatively, the signed Orders will be available for download from the CORE system, once docketed. The Writ will also be available on CORE.
The Death Certificate is only recorded if the attorney presents it to the recording department and pays the recording fee. A death certificate may be eFiled in support of a case but that does not cause it to be recorded.
Specific Case and Document Types
You can file a summons document to NEW and EXISTING cases. On the DOCUMENTS screen on the ePortal, select the DOCUMENT GROUP as “Dockets with a Fee” and the DOCUMENT TYPE as “Summons” and upload your summons document. You must load one summons per document in order for it to be issued correctly.
- Once your eFiling has been accepted, the clerk will docket the summons as “TO BE ISSUED”.
- When the eFiling is FILED and receives a case number (for new cases), the clerk will docket the summons as “SUMMONS ISSUED”.
- You may then print your ISSUED SUMMONS document from the CORE website and then have it served through your normal process (i.e. email, regular mail or hand delivery).
When filing a Civil case on the ePortal, you will need to enter the total number of defendants in the box titled "Total number of Defendants" on the main Case Information tab. You must ensure that you enter the same number of parties on the Party tab or the fees will not be calculated correctly and your filing will be sent to the Pending Queue. You should enter all named parties, unknown spouses, and unknown tenants. The only party that should not be listed on the Party Tab or counted in the "Total number of Defendants" box is “Any all and unknown parties”.
A Default is docketed by our Circuit Civil Department after you successfully file a Motion for Default.
The verification form is typically the signature page in the initial complaint. The verification form not required for commercial foreclosures.
A new Standing Family Law Order form will be required for all petitions filed in Dissolution of Marriage, Separate Maintenance and Annulment cases on or after April 1, 2016, The latest form can be found here.
The “Judgment” and “Notice of Sale” are presented to the judge at the foreclosure hearing in paper format. Once approved, they are forwarded by the clerk to the foreclosure department for processing and publication.
File a new Circuit Civil case and select the case type "Specialized Other" and sub type "Med Malpractice 90 Day Extension" and submit your petition. Once approved, you will be given a new case number. When you are ready to file your case, file to an Existing Case on the ePortal and provide the case number you received after you filed the extension. You will then have the option to file your complaint and pay the $401 case initiation fee. The clerk will verify that you have filed within the 90-day window when approving this filing.
How do I file Garnishments?
Once a Final Judgment has been docketed, an attorney may eFile a “Motion for Writ of Garnishment” or “Motion for Continuing Writ of Garnishment” and the Writ and/or Orders documents. The Orders will be sent to the judge by the clerk for signature. If the attorney wishes to have a signed copy of the Orders returned, they must provide return envelopes to the judge. Alternatively, the signed Orders will be available for download from the CORE system, once docketed. The Writ will also be available on CORE.
The Death Certificate is only recorded if the attorney presents it to the recording department and pays the recording fee. A death certificate may be eFiled in support of a case but that does not cause it to be recorded.
More Help
Upon registering on the Account Registration page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Filer Documentation link. This link will display the State of Florida ePortal e-Filer Documentation guide created by the Florida Association of Clerks and Comptrollers (FACC).
For questions or problems regarding the ePortal system, such as:
- Trouble registering a user
- Error messages on the ePortal
Please email support@myflcourtaccess.com or call the ePortal Support Desk at (850)577-4609.
For eFiling Payment issues, please call (844)577-5649.
If you feel that you may have a problem after submitting your eFiling, contact a clerk in the area that you filed to see if they successfully received your submission. Each division can be reached through the main courthouse phone number at (904)255-2000.
Please contact the individual court division you are filing with for any procedural issues or questions. Each area can be reached by calling (904)255-2000 from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
- The pleadings do not have a full and complete correct case number. You must put the entire case number into the system in order for showcase to accept your pleading. For example: 16-2012-CA-001234-XXXX-MA. If you do not include the “16” or the “XXXX-MA” we will not be able to link the document to the case.
- The pleadings do not have a court division indicated.
- You are trying to file a pleading to a case that is closed. The 50.00 Reopen fee cannot be processed online, so you must mail the motion, order and check to the Duval County Clerk’s Office.
- The Document format is invalid (not a recognizable PDF or Word format).
- Duplicate filing.
- Case information entered does not match pleading document information.
- Scanned documents are not of acceptable quality (too light, skewed, too dark).
- No signature on documents.
- From the “My Trial Court Filings” screen, click on the underlined Filing # associated with the filing that has been set to PENDING QUEUE status. The filing will re-open in the case information screen.
- Select the “Documents” tab to go directly to the document edit screen.
- Trouble registering a user
- Error messages on the ePortal
- Payment issues