In the Misdemeanor Department of the Clerk’s Office, we process and manage criminal cases in which someone is charged with a misdemeanor-level offense. This includes violations of the State of Florida Statutes or Municipal Ordinances. It also includes all non-arrested, misdemeanor-charged cases and other cases that don’t involve an arrest, such as violations or infractions of criminal or civil municipal ordinances and civil juvenile tobacco violations. We also collect and track all fines and fees assessed by the court for these violations.
We hope you find the information provided on this page to be helpful. If you would like more information, please feel free to call us at (904) 255-2000.
Court Dates
If you were bonded out of jail or released by a Judge, you were notified of your next court date (arraignment) at that time. To verify an upcoming court date, you should ask about it no sooner than 2:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled court date. You may also contact the State Attorney’s Office for pending arraignment court date(s) at (904) 255-2500. For all later court appearances, we invite you to contact the Clerk’s Misdemeanor Department at (904) 255-2000.
When asking about a case, please be sure to have one or all of the following available so we can serve you more quickly: misdemeanor case number, jail offender number, State Attorney number, the date of the offense and/or the complete name of defendant (as provided at arrest).
Please note that the Clerk's Office does not establish an individual’s court date, nor do we have the authority to change a court date. If you have a question about your court date, please contact your attorney (if applicable) for assistance.
Failure to Appear
Failure to appear for an established court date can have serious consequences. The Court may issue a Capias, or order, for your arrest. In addition, if you have posted a bond for your release, the Court can order a forfeiture of that bond, and you may lose the money and/or collateral that was posted. The court could impose additional penalties it thinks are appropriate.
Case Information
To view case dockets, please visit the Clerk Online Resource ePortal (CORE), and note that only approved parties may access the actual case documents online.
For further information about a misdemeanor case, please make your request in writing by using the Search Form found in the Forms Section, below. Please be sure to clearly indicate the information you are asking for. Please send your request to:
Clerk of the Circuit CourtATTN: Misdemeanor Department (Records Request)
501 West Adams Street, Room 1223
Jacksonville, Fl. 32202
Fines and Fees
If you are on Probation
If you are on Probation and you are ordered to pay fines or fees, you must make payments directly to the Clerk of Courts. Those fines or fees will remain outstanding until paid in full. Failure to pay your fines/fees may result in a Violation of Probation, and the Court may issue a Warrant for your arrest. Also, if you fail to pay your fines or fees, it may result in your information being forwarded to a collections agency. This agency will make efforts to collect, and you will be subject to an additional 30% collections rate.
If you are not on Probation
Pay your fines or fees directly to the Clerk of Courts. Those fines or fees will remain outstanding until you pay in full. If you fail to pay a fine, it may result in your information being forwarded to a collections agency. This agency will make efforts to collect the fine, and you will be subject to an additional 30% collections rate.
Determining Outstanding Fines and Fees
If you would like information about your fine or fee balance, please contact the Misdemeanor Department of the Clerk’s Office at (904) 255-2000. Please have available the misdemeanor case number and/or the defendant’s name.
What if I can't pay my fine?
If you are on Probation and the Judge Ordered you to pay a fine/costs, please contact your Probation Officer at 904-630-8510 or JSOMPP@jaxsheriff.org. If you fail to contact them about a late payment, it may result in a Violation of Probation, and the Court may issue a Warrant for your arrest. Also, if you fail to pay your fine/costs, it may result in your information being forwarded to a collections agency. This agency will make efforts to collect the fine, and you will be subject to an additional 30% collections rate.
If you are not on Probation, you were given a specific date to pay your fines. If you do not pay these fines by that date, your information may be forwarded to a collections agency in an effort to collect your fine. This is also subject to a 30% collections rate. Payment extensions are granted in certain types of cases. Please call the Misdemeanor Department at (904) 255-2000 for more information.
Payment Options
For your convenience, the Misdemeanor Department accepts in-person payments of cash, cashier’s checks, money orders or debit/credit cards (subject to a processing fee). PERSONAL CHECKS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED.
Payments made by mail should be made to the Clerk of Courts and cannot be endorsed. Please note that the only payment types we accept through the mail are cashier’s checks, certified checks, or money orders. A case number and defendant name are required on all payments. Our mailing address is:
Clerk of the Circuit CourtATTN: Misdemeanor Department
501 West Adams Street, Room 1223
Jacksonville, Fl. 32202
Collection Agency Contact Information
Harris and Harris
(855) 959-0296
If you do not know to which collection agency your case has been assigned, please contact the Misdemeanor department for assistance.
Restitution is the court-ordered payment to a person, a group, or an entity to compensate for an injury or loss. It is paid by the party that is found responsible for the injury or loss. When it is considered necessary in a criminal case, the court will order an individual to pay restitution to the victims(s) for their injury or loss.
Please note that all Restitution Payments must include a $3.50 processing fee.
If you are on Probation
Please make payments to the Clerk of Courts, you may make your payments in person or by mail (please see “Payment Options,” above).
If you are not on Probation
If your Judgment and Restitution Order or the Judge directed you to make payments to the Clerk of the Court, you may make your payments in person or by mail (please see “Payment Options”, above).Getting your Restitution Money
At the Clerk’s Office, we can issue restitution payments to a victim only upon receiving payments from the defendant for that specific victim and only as ordered by the court. If a defendant does not make payments as ordered by the court, the victim can seek relief through a Civil Judgment. Please click on Judgment and Restitution Order Instruction Sheet in the Forms Section of this page to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
For information about the 4th Judicial Circuit, please visit www.jud4.org.
Please contact the State Attorney’s Office at (904) 255-2500 to learn about this process.
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Misdemeanor Probation Program provides supervision for offenders sentenced to Misdemeanor Probation by the Duval County Courts. You may contact your Probation Officer at 904-630-8510 or JSOMPP@jaxsheriff.org.
The Misdemeanor Probation Program is located at:
1024 Superior St. Jacksonville, FL 32254The defendant is responsible for keeping the Clerk of Court informed of his or her correct address. For your convenience, you can mail your change of address to the address below.
Please include the Misdemeanor case number, the defendant’s name, the date of arrest (if available) and charges (if available) in the letter with the new address.
All sessions of court are open to the public unless a judge has ordered it to be closed. Of course, spectators are expected to dress and conduct themselves properly when attending any court session.
An arraignment is a court procedure in which a person accused of breaking the law pleads to the charge stated in a charging document (i.e., information, citation, etc.). The defendant is told of the charge and of his or her legal rights. The defendant is then asked to plead guilty, not guilty or nolo contendere (no contest).
In most instances, a case is continued from the arraignment to a later court date. If so, the defendant is informed of his or her next court date.
Since the Clerk of Courts is not responsible for performing criminal record or background searches, we suggest that you contact the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office for information about these searches.
Florida Statute 27.51(1) states, "The public defender shall represent, without additional compensation, any person determined by the court to be indigent as provided in Florida Statute 27.52." If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense but you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for the service of a public defender. You can make a request for a public defender during your first court appearance. Please contact the Public Defender’s Office at (904) 255-4673 if you’d like more information.
As a witness in a case, please direct your questions about that case to the attorney who subpoenaed you as a witness.
After a case is concluded, the cash bond may be released to the depositor. But keep in mind that the cash bond may be used to pay for fines, court costs or Restitution before the reimbursement of any remaining funds. If the depositor is due a refund, he or she will receive it within 10 to 14 working days after final adjudication/disposition of the case.
If you are due a refund, and if you have not received it after 14 working days, please contact the Misdemeanor Department at (904) 255-2000. We’ll make every effort to address the matter as quickly as possible. Please just be sure to have available the misdemeanor case number, the defendant's name, and the date of final adjudication/disposition (if available).
Office Information
Misdemeanor Department
Office Hours
Monday through Friday (excluding holidays): 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Mailing Address
Duval County Clerk of Courts
501 West Adams Street, Room 1223
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 255-2000